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Document Construction:
__________________________________________________________________________________The proper set up and construction of your publications for commercial printing plays an important role in the process and flows through our Prepress Department.
Because there are numeous software packages and file formats that may be used to create artwork, it is neither practical or possible for a printer to support every possible file format. Also, many file formats make it very difficult, if not impossible, for the printer to produce the same output that the customer sees on their own computer. For this reason, the printing industry has standardized on the Portable Document File format. A PDF file is a "self-contained" document, and usually has everything necessary to print the file, including necessary fonts. For this reason, all print files submitted to us are recommended to be in PDF format.
Always make the page size in your document match the final trimmed size of the printed piece (this is one reason why word processors are not recommended). For example, if you are assembling a book that measures 5½" x 8½" when finished, set the page size to exactly 5½" x 8½". Business cards, post cards, envelopes and other flat pieces are sometimes created on an oversize page, with boxes or crop marks indicating the trim size (see Bleed section). This is acceptable, provided that the box or crop marks are the correct size.
Adobe Photoshop Image(*.psd) (recommended)
JPEG Image (*.jpg,*.jpeg)
TIFF Image (*.tif,*.tiff)